Adapted from The Tao of Detox, by Daniel Reid (Inner Traditions, 2006)Simple SolutionHelp clear away the ill effects of holiday over-indulgence with this nourishing and effective detoxifying broth! It is filled with vitalizing seasonal ingredients like pumpkin and carrots.
INGREDIENTS1 3/4 quarts pure water
1 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
5 slices ginger root
2 finely chopped carrots
3 stalks finely chopped celery
1 cup finely chopped cabbage
1 cup finely chopped spinach
1 cup finely diced pumpkin
1 finely chopped squash
5 finely sliced shiitake mushrooms (fresh or dried)
1 cup chopped parsley
1. Place all ingredients in a non-reactive cooking pot. Bring to a full boil, then reduce heat to a simmer, cover partially, and let cook until liquid is reduced to about half.
2. Line a colander with a piece of cloth and strain the broth into a bowl. Discard the vegetable pulp and drink the broth with meals or as a snack between meals.